Heal Your Body
From Within


Functional & Integrative Wellness in Wellington, NZ

Heal your body from within

Are you tired of searching the internet for solutions to your health issues?

Are you struggling to find the right diet,
the right supplements and the right guidance to lead you toward optimal health?

We’re here to sort out your healthcare puzzle.

A real difference in health

Our holistic approach

“Comprehensive, holistic

Our approach

How are we different?



We recognize the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit, as well as the role of environmental factors in your health.


We invest the time to get to understand the hidden causes of your health issues


Being a member of the clinic motivates you to check in regularly with us to assess how your treatment plan is working.


We utilize comprehensive Testing of blood, urine and micro biome analysis (when necessary) to get a 360° view of your health.